This campaign had to launch the A-Class and also bring down the perceived age of Mercedes drivers. Research said that people wanted to drive a Mercedes, but only in their 40s. So we placed the car in contemporary culture, targeted younger drivers, and enabled them to interact with the car. Each film in a multi-strand chase adventure ended with options for what the driver should do next, and the audience decided on twitter. YouDrive first ran inside the breaks of one X-Factor, and received more tweets that the show itself. Directed by Yann de Mange.
In July 2012, A-class represented 0.4 percent of the UK hatchback market. 2 months after #YOUDRIVE it represented 6.2%. 77,000 leads were generated vs the goal of 50,000. Average age of people enquiring about A-class was 10 years younger than the Mercedes norm. Over 740,000 people visited the #YOUDRIVE site, and the hashtag appeared 103 million times on Twitter and 30 million times on Facebook.
Creatives: Martin Loraine & Steve Jones
CDs: Martin Loraine & Steve Jones
Cannes Lion